Saturday, November 24, 2012

Creating paper pattern...

Here's a better picture of the first step towards making a proper paper pattern.  Lots of pins!  I was really happy to have this model and not have had to pin paper to me or a tight t-shirt.  I have seen other examples where people have used a t-shirt but this method with a mannequin seems to be extremely accurate.

After I had traced from the mannequin and pulled off the pieces of vilene, they were then ironed onto regular paper - again per the Ralph Pink method. I was a little worried about fire or at minimum burnt paper, but as you can see this wasn't a problem.
I took these sheets of paper with ironed on vilene to the copy center where they scanned them onto a pen drive.  I then opened them in Illustrator.  This is where it gets complicated. You'll need to be very familiar with Illustrator to do this part.  I used the Pen tool to trace the patterns, then checked to be sure everything lined up properly.  Finally, adjusted the pattern for my body - of course I don't have a plastic mannequin figure ;)  This part made me really nervous, seriously how was this actually going to translate to paper after all the steps, changes and adjustments I'd made?! 

BUT it did work! Thanks for those videos Ralph!!!

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